BoldTrail Team Admin Quick Start
This 35 min course covers tactical strategies for team leaders, admins and account owners.
ListingMachine DesignCenter and Social Quick Start
Listing Machine & Design Center provides a fully automated listing marketing suite making it easier than ever to promote your listings, impress your sellers and attract new buyers.
Success Assurance with BoldTrail
Ensure success by extending your outreach with live concierges who will engage with and attempt to qualify leads on average in under 3 minutes. Learn more about how Success Assurance can manage your leads in this brief course.
Transitioning from BoomTown to a Powered by BoldTrail Platform
These pathways are unique to you as an existing BoomTown client, with consideration for individual business needs, goals, and structure to ensure that you are set up for success with your new Inside Real Estate platform.
BoldTrail Present Quick Start
Designed for all Present users, this course will teach you how to effortlessly build CMA reports, visualize them with a listing presentation, and rebuild past presentations with fresh market data. Leverage the modern CMA presentation experience!
BoldTrail Daily Calls & Task Management
Daily Calls and Task Reminders are the two most important features to use to stay on track with your business and build your pipeline confidently! We'll discuss their differences and best practices for completing each type.