BoldTrail Admin Quick Start
For Company/Office Admins: Get a jump start with this Quick Start course! You'll configure your account for success, become familiar with different Admin tools, and learn strategies for encouraging platform adoption with your Agents.
Monthly Agent Training Replays
Harassment - Creating a Safe Space for Agents, Employees, & Customers
During this course, you will learn about harassment, sexual harassment, and bullying. You will also learn the importance of preventing harassment and ensuring a safe space is available for you, our employees, and our customers.
Transitioning from BoomTown to a Powered by kvCORE Platform
These pathways are unique to you as an existing BoomTown client, with consideration for individual business needs, goals, and structure to ensure that you are set up for success with your new Inside Real Estate platform.
New to Business 101
Iron Valley Real Estate New to Business 101 is designed to help new real estate agents to quickly get their business up and running.
New to Iron Valley Real Estate
New to Iron Valley Real Estate is designed to welcome established real estate agents to Iron Valley Real Estate. This course will provide you with information on the Iron Valley brand, and give you resources to help you do your thing!